Are Any Of My Business Ideas Any Good? Looking To Start A Side Gig / Business. Suggestions Needed.
Looking for a side gig that I can make 1-2k a month maybe possibly leading to a full time business down the road (5 years) goal. I currently have a good job / career with good pay just looking to create a backup plan for the future. Problem is I am all over the place with ideas.
Current ideas:
- Buy piece of land, build some sort of fence / security and rent out spaces for people to park cars, RVs, trailers, etc. It would be monthly fee.
- Negative: Good location would be key and land is pretty pricey in my area.
- Positive: Won't really need any employees and could manage remotely with security cameras and creating a website to sign up for rental space, etc.
- Start a used car dealership. Sell a couple cars a month. I currently have time to speak with potential buyers while working my other full time job, could even meet them to look over cars.
- Negative: Saturated market, need dealer license, surety bond, insurance, I can sell cars out of driveway but I need a physical office for licensing standards looks to be around 300-400 a month.
- Positive: I have a passion and knowledge of vehicles. Would not hesitate a second putting time into this cleaning up cars, listing them online. I generally love to sell products online.
- Selling products online. I currently do this off and on building custom gaming computers and selling them online. There is a little profit in this but I could expand buy buying large pallets of products online from various websites etc.
- *Wild idea* - Purchasing some sort of LED / LCD panel to put on vehicle and advertise various businesses while driving around. I currently drive ALOT all over GA. I mean 60k + a year. I think I could possibly get a couple businesses to advertise on this panel on my car. I don't know how scalable this is or really even how much I could potentially make.
I know I am all over the place and randomly making this post to hopefully get some sort of direction to go from here. I do have a passion for technology and selling online items. I am pretty tech savvy and could create a good website and advertise for these businesses fairly cheap and easily.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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