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Are My Ads Set Up Incorrectly

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I have a home service company & try to specifically target individual towns with landing pages dedicated to each targeted town.

So I run different campaigns for each town I target and not sure if I’m really set up properly even though I have been doing this for years.

Say there’s three towns im running ads for.. (Towns A,B & C )and I’m Setting up my campaign for Town A. At campaign level when location selecting I would Target town A and exclude towns B & C so my as won’t accidentally show when someone is searching in town B & C.

I noticed when I started PPC years ago that if I did not exclude the towns the campaign was not ment to target then it would still be shown and I would get a ton of wasted clicks. With this strategy I feel like I’ve limited the spam clicks BUT I also feel like I’m missing in potential business.

The problem that I see is I pretty exclude every town in my county that’s not for the specific town I’m targeting in the campaign, however say someone has a home in town A in the above example, but they are searching from town b because they are at work or something, my ad will not show.

Hopefully this makes sense, I would just like to know if there is a better way of controlling the ad not being shown in places you don’t want it to be without excluding the locations.

submitted by /u/trie667
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