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How Do Businesses Start If They Require Widespread Adoption From The Beginning In Order To Be Successful. Is It Possible For Someone With No Connections?

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So I have an idea for a healthcare-related business that could save billions in healthcare expenditures annually, however, for it to be effective it would need widespread adoption from the start, or else it would almost certainly peter out and die on the vine.

I am a physician, so I understand the need and have a clear vision of what implementation would look like and how it would be useful for end users, and building this would not involve any groundbreaking technology (not that I could build it personally, but it would involve basically just building a cloud-based database and implementing some very basic AI tools).

The issue is this isn't something that would necessarily work by starting small and building up; it is something that would only be useful if implemented at scale.

The most likely successful path I see would be if I could get buyin from insurance companies since they would be the primary beneficiaries by saving money on excessive tests. Basically, if they tie use of this technology to reimbursement rates somehow, that seems like the easiest way to encourage widespread adoption.

The issue is that I don't even know how I would get started doing that...For big ideas like this, do you somehow try to approach VCs who would have connections? Do I somehow just try to cold-call and set up meetings with insurance companies? I doubt they would even take my call as a no-name individual small business.

I know a lot of people have very large plans that border on delusions of grandeur, and maybe this falls into that camp slightly, but I feel passionate that something like my idea is truly needed and, if implemented, could be a win for everyone involved in healthcare and the country as a whole.

Is something like this even possible to build from the ground up for someone with no connections?

submitted by /u/retupmocomputer
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