The 3 Pillars Of Business: Simplified.

Understanding what business means, what it truly means, is honestly very hard with the number of different iterations out there now.
So, we’ve, as usual, done the deep research and brought you the three, and only three, pillars you need to know and understand to start, run, and profit from a business.
So, let’s take dive in,
Three questions you need to answer with this:
"What’s your product?
What problem is your product solving?
What’s the market for it?"
Before the start, you need to have a solid grasp of what you’re creating/offering.
Don’t care if it’s a physical product or a service- it needs to align itself perfectly from the beginning.
Second, people always gravitate toward and actively search for things that can make their life easier, be it day-to-day at home or splitting up the load in the professional realm.
Your whole objective is, and must be, to make them relieved and be helpful to them in a perfect and effective way.
Lately, with the amount of competition out there, starting a business is getting tougher. I’m not going to sugarcoat that fact.
But then, that’s why you need to be smart about where you dip your beak in.
Just as there’s competition in some fields, there are ones with none, perfectly ripe for disruption.
Even when your product or service may not align 100 percent with it, there are always ways you can integrate into multiple avenues, and that’s what brings in the big bucks.
So be mindful of that.
Example: Let’s say you’re a fitness coach who primarily offers 1-on-1 personal training.
That’s your core service.
However, you can integrate that into multiple avenues to increase revenue and reach:
YouTube & Social Media Monetization –
-Grow a YouTube channel, TikTok, or Instagram presence.
-Get paid through brand deals, ad revenue, and sponsorships.
Digital Products –
Creating workout guides, meal plans, or fitness ebooks and sell them online.
By intergrating all these in:
Now, you're making more money and expanding your horizons without constantly trading your time.
Plus, you're gaining back time to invest in your core service.
This right here is what makes or breaks your business.
Don’t care if you have the warp speed from Star Trek figured out- if you can’t get people to notice, you’ll get nowhere.
Having the right avenues of growth and marketing is crucial in terms of having an established brand and scaling.
These days, the number one thing you should be focusing on is Social Media.
Nothing gets you attention like SM, at least at this point in time.
With more than 3 billion users on Meta (Instagram + Facebook), there’s no reason why every business on these platforms shouldn’t be doing hundreds of thousands a month in revenue, but they don’t.
Less than 1% gets solid noticeability, which is crazy considering how ridiculously large the viewing audience is.
Marketing has been the name of the game ever since the first business took flight.
The more people know, the more they’ll buy, and the more you grow.
Simplified terms:
Eyeballs = Leads = Sales.
Now, when it comes to grabbing that attention, it’s really just two ways:
Have money upfront?
YES → Run Ads, Paid Sponsors, Buy Crossposts.
No → Organic growth, and that’s it.
The first method is pretty straightforward- you just pay Meta the sum, and they’ll boost your posts or media a bit upfront over your competitors.
While that’s really effective, it’s time-constrained and requires a large capital to start with.
But, as you’ve seen, you’ve got a different avenue- organic growth.
This, again, is on par or even longer when comparing the time it takes to grow but is effective in many ways as well.
People often have this misinterpretation of how followers and subs relate to a business.
For example, one of my good friends, let’s call him J for now, makes, on average, $15,000 a month from his online business.
You would think he must have thousands or even millions of followers.
Nope, he’s at like 850.
That’s one of the best things about growing organically, it builds a more personal and deeper connection with you and your community, and that bond goes a long way.
Engrave this next sentence into your noggin:
It’s not just about having a large audience, it’s about having a loyal one.
One of the biggest problems I have personally made in my journey, and I see a lot of others make, is going at it all alone, all the time.
Sure, that works probably up to about $10k–$35k a month, but after that, there’s no way you can efficiently scale past that revenue and still grow in all other avenues.
Delegation is the most underrated and unspoken element of running a business.
No matter how proficient and capable you think you are, you need a system and team in place to squeeze out the max potential from your business.
And after all, what is the whole point behind starting a business?
Freedom and no restrictions.
So if you’re gonna tie yourself up in all these tasks all the time, all the way, that whole objective becomes moot.
So, as early on as possible, keep in mind and work on areas to get effective systems in place and look for a good prospective team to hold that work up.
A lot of entrepreneurs fall prey to not knowing what these are, but not you guys. is sick for all these, go give it a glance my fellow mates.
Mindset, Entepreneurship, Tech is all in here.
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