Preventing Falls Through Augmented Intelligence

Discover the Power of Inspiren at The Sheridan at Green Oaks
At The Sheridan at Green Oaks, we believe in the importance of maintaining resident privacy, dignity and independence. We also know that falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults – making it tricky to maintain the balance between privacy and care.
That’s why we’re proud to now offer Inspiren – augmented intelligence sensors that identify safety risks and movement issues without having to interrupt or disturb residents needlessly.
To find out more about this innovative technology, call 847-604-0004
What Can Make Seniors Fall?
These are some conditions that may impact falling safety for seniors:
- A previous fall. Seniors who have fallen once are likely to fall again.
- Foot pain or numbness, or bad footwear. Foot issues could cause difficulty walking, leading to falls.
- Hypertension. High blood pressure can make someone light-headed, which can cause a fall.
- Lower body weakness or unsteadiness. Canes and walkers help, but seniors must remember to use them.
- New illnesses. Urinary tract infections, dehydration, anemia and other illnesses can be a falling risk factor.
- Sadness or depression. Depression symptoms, such as feeling unwell or slowed down, are linked to falls.
- Use of medicines. Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications alike can make someone sleepy or unsteady.
- Vision problems. Seniors should have their vision checked to prevent problems with depth perception.
- Vitamin D deficiency. This can cause confusion and weakness, which are risk factors for falling.
These conditions should be addressed by a medical specialist to help improve senior safety.
The post Preventing Falls Through Augmented Intelligence appeared first on Senior Lifestyle.