Ere Journals • Re: Mango Journal
Minor life updates
Found a new place to live that's quite nice and moving soon. The rent is about 70% of my current place; I estimate that from now on annual spend will be somewhere between $13-14k, depending on how much traveling I end up doing. So that's great. I hope I'm able to stay there for a long time.
Work hasn't been as rough lately. I'm not sure that it's actually become less stressful, so much so as I'm starting to get the hang of things more, and am able to handle the workload better. Either way, I'm not feeling too bad about the idea of chugging at this for a few more years right now. Let's hope that stays (how I feel about work varies dramatically week by week).
The no-book buy has been tougher than expected! But I'm still sticking to it. When I read a book I really, really love, there's still a voice inside of me that says but I want it! Am looking for further ways to reduce my environmental impact in the upcoming year, and I'm thinking: no more eating processed/packaged foods. I don't eat much of them in the first place, but they're quite wasteful in terms of the water, plastic, etc used to process them.
Would love advice about traveling/seeing the world on a budget as well. I book tickets early, stay in hostels or split places with friends, etc, but still pretty much travel conventionally. I would average the cost of my vacations $1k per week; the reason it doesn't contribute much to my annual expenses is because I only have so much PTO. I've heard of people who were able to backpack/see various countries on <$10k a year, so I'm curious how that's done!
Statistics: Posted by ahundredmangos — Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:25 am