He’s Being Blamed For Exposing His Stepdad’s Affair After Keeping It A Secret For Years

Eleven years ago, this 21-year-old guy’s mom began dating his stepdad. One day when he was 14, his mom pulled him out of school so that he could go to the dentist.
While they were out driving, they witness his stepdad out and about in their town, and then a woman stepped out of his stepdad’s car, and his stepdad kissed her!
He was shocked, and several days afterward, his mom told him that his stepdad admitted that he was having an affair.
His mom mentioned that she and his stepdad were still going to remain together in a relationship, and his mom asked him to please keep the cheating a secret.
He did exactly as his mom asked, and he said nothing to his two siblings. His stepdad also was not onto the fact that he knew of the affair.
“Fast forward to now, my brother, 29M came home and told us his engagement was off as he found out his fiancée cheated on him,” he explained.
“We all consoled him. Later, at a community church event my step dad told him that if he really loved her, he’d move past this, and told him he was being very immature about ‘real adult relationships.’”
“My sister who overheard this, got mad and told him of course he’d defend something like this, being the cheater he is. He was shocked, and unfortunately she mentioned it in front of one of the church aunties, and if you know much they love gossip, you can see where this is going.”
His mom instantly got angry at him, and figured he was the one who told his sister about his stepdad’s affair, even though he didn’t. He has no clue how his sister found out the truth.
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His mom believes he destroyed his stepdad’s honor, and he finally snapped at his mom that it was wrong of her to have expected him to keep such a major secret for years.
He also yelled at his mom for staying married to a cheater, and he said that he would never stand by someone if they did that to him. His stepdad feels he owes his mom an apology and took things way too far when he exploded on her.
“I know I shouldn’t have been as harsh as I was, but they really don’t understand how much of a burden it’s been for me as well,” he continued.
He just doesn’t see how it’s fair that he’s getting blamed for something entirely outside of his control. What advice do you have for him?
You can read the original post below.
Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to readThe post He’s Being Blamed For Exposing His Stepdad’s Affair After Keeping It A Secret For Years appeared first on Chip Chick.