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“budget Trips”: People Share 46 Things That They’re Slowly Losing Interest In As They Get Older

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I realized I was getting old when I would get excited to purchase household items like a new vacuum cleaner, an air fryer, a nice blender and a food processor. If I have extra money to spend, I’m not going to blow it on a night out with friends (because I need to be home by my bedtime anyway). Instead, I’m focused on making my humble abode as cozy as possible because I love being there.

No matter how old you are, pandas, if you’ve noticed yourself becoming less interested in certain things you used to love, you’re not alone. Whether it’s attending music festivals or traveling on a tight budget, Redditors have recently been discussing the things that just don’t excite them as much as they used to. So enjoy scrolling through their replies, and be sure to upvote the ones that make you feel seen!


Personally, Budget trips. I want convenience and comfort whenever I travel. I prefer hotels now over low budget ones.

Agreed. We used to share rooms with friends when we were young, poor, and just starting out. The last straw was long after that period in our lives when we stayed in a shitty hotel room with said friends, and one single friend ended up on the floor on an air mattress.
I said never again. We can afford a real room of our own. There is no need to share anymore. So, if we travel with other people we always get our own room now.
I don't need top-of-the-line luxury, but I do want a proper, clean, working bathroom, working heat/AC, a comfortable bed, and not next to anyone but my husband.

Image credits: Square-Simple-5154


Honestly? People.

I used to be all about hanging out with friends and causing mischief all the time. Gradually with time, I realized most of them didn't really care for me much as a friend, rather a vehicle for a good time. I was no one's first choice.

Now I'm at a time in my life where I prefer peace and solace over pleasing other people, and I don't regret it one bit.

Totally get that. Prioritizing your own peace and well-being is so important as you get older. Quality over quantity with friendships for sure.


Image credits: -Rose-From-Riviera-


Dogs. They're really annoying and needy. I don't hate them but I really don't want to own one ever.


Image credits: iloveyoustellarose


Not that I had interest but I have less and less patience for drama. I used to be that friend that listens to your problems but I'm so burned out that I can't even bother anymore.


Image credits: matepore


Social media. I used to find myself posting all the time on Instagram and all that now I’m like posting every couple months. I honestly even get tired of scrolling on Instagram or TikTok. I feel like everyone is trying to be the same aesthetic and everything on socials nowadays seems unattainable.

I was looking for this. I used to be the annoying person filming their food before eating it. I’m so over social media.


Image credits: XOXOTeacherGirl


Summer. I swear I used to be out in the sun like a cat every year. Now I just want to hide inside for the hours between 11/4pm. I can't handle the sun on my head/sweat, any of it.


Image credits: Due-Function-6773


Big crowds, theme parks.... Use to love rides but hate the thought of standing in line for an hour in the hot sun, walking everywhere lol.


Image credits: Foodie1989


Working hard.

Admittedly, I’m in a good place now and have things set up so I don’t have to work hard but if a project coming up is hard, I just don’t want to give it the energy anymore to try and do it.

I’d see a hard project previously and want to conquer it but now, that energy is for my wife and kids.


Image credits: dlbirdy


My friend group. As a girl in an all girls group, I realised it was becoming toxic. Everyone talks behind everyone's back and it's exhausting and fake. I wish I had made better friend choices when I was younger.


Image credits: canUstand


Spending my time with people that are lukewarm about me.

Once you have good friends that you can count on, it is just not the right thing to do to hang out with flaky, disrespectful or fair weather people.


Image credits: SanguineSpirit5


Going out. Meeting new people. FOMO is not a thing for me anymore.


Image credits: jamiewames


I see a lot of people saying they’re losing interest in TV and movies. I’ve had a theory for a while that TikTok and short form video content is turning everyone into gnats.


Image credits: f**kthiss**t____


Drinking. I feel so much better without it.

I absolutely love how much the public sentiment on drinking is shifting. Alcohol use is down 20% amongst Gen Z, although I think it's probably because they don't socialize as much, which isn't good either, but even amongst millennials like me, I'm seeing more and more people giving up alcohol.


Image credits: Much_Presentation863


Career advancement. Ive peaked. I dont want or need anything else. In fact, I want less.

Friends. Need fewer.

Sports. Just takes up time and brings nothing in return.

I haven't peaked in my career, and I'm honestly thankful for the moment I realized I'll never do so. Life's too short for the rat race.


Image credits: BilboBagginkins


Being forced to socialize with people I don't know, and likely have nothing in common with. Business social events are a breeze, because I know why I'm there and what I need to do.

Totally get that. It’s exhausting trying to make small talk with strangers who don’t share your interests.


Image credits: espositojoe


Video games, specifically MMORPGs. Was crazy about them when I was younger, now that I'm older, I just want to chill, and the thought of having to grind for hours upon hours is just exhausting.

There are tons of chill games out there, let alone ones more focused on fun and experience than extreme time commitments and becoming a second full-time job.


Image credits: cyntaxe


The whole party scene feels like a chore now and I'd rather just chill with friends at home.


Image credits: wateryequation52


Having lots of plans on a weekend. Seems like I need 1-2 weekends at home every month. Partially to catch up on home tasks and partially to relax. I don’t feel refreshed Monday AM if I spent the whole weekend out and about.


Image credits: icedcoffeeheada**


Gadgets. I don’t wanna keep up with what’s new anymore..l’ll stick with what I have and use them until they break.

In the 2000s and before, it made sense to upgrade gadgets because of leaps in usability. Newer cell phones had better reception and quality and larger memory. Newer computers could play video and handle larger spreadsheets, etc.

Now, it's like the new phone has an extra camera and 10% more performance from something that already works perfectly for about $1000 out of my pocket. I'm still using my digital camera from 2013 because newer ones aren't all that better, and I'm still using my older flatscreen TV. There are just far fewer reasons to upgrade now.


Image credits: JanwaRebelle


Holding on to people, things, and places that no longer align with the changing seasons of my life.

I love so many people. There are things I care a lot about. There are places that will forever pull at my mind, asking for me to return.

But I can't. And I can't take it all with me. I can't carry it all. I can't tend to it fairly, I can't give the attention needed. My season has changed.

Growth is sometimes a nod and a tear and a wave goodbye. It's discomfort. It's missing. It's letting go. It's moving on.

And, ya know, sometimes that's just for the best. It's life.

I'm losing interest in what isn't meant for me. I think it's a good thing.


Image credits: ayasenia


Relationships. Everyone around me is getting married and settling down, and I just don't care. A lot of the ones I see are in situations where the relationship is falling apart, and they keep it together with duct tape and a will. They're settling and think they're happy. Reminds me of a quote from Sóren Kierkegaard: "We settle for misery we can handle and call it happiness".


Image credits: wanderingwanderer2


Traveling. I use to be excited for cross country trips, trips abroad, or even road trips. I loved the journey and the entire process, but now I’m like gimme milligrams and wake me when we are there.

Yeah, this. I took two loooong road trips out of state this past month. This is something that would have excited me 10 years ago, and I am now nursing an angry tailbone from all the sitting and road bumps. ?


Image credits: Fluffy_Opportunity73


New hobbies-- I play an instrument, I knit, spin yarn, embroider, and do watercolours. I unsubscribed to several publications because they are always trying to get readers to see more of the latest trends and I am like, "I have more yarn than I will use before I die... I don't need new paints unless I need specific colors of the brands I presently use..." It isn't that I am "set in my ways," I just don't want more. I am happy with what I have.

In our American buy-buy-buy economy, this may sound awful, but it is a relief to be here.


Image credits: Outrageous_Emu8503


It’s weird, but I have the hardest time maintaining interest in TV shows anymore. Like I can’t do it. I used to love so many shows and there are so many good looking shows out there, but I can’t sit and watch for more than 10 minutes without losing interest! Same thing is starting to happen with movies and it is making me so sad! Like, I can watch a movie in the theater, but at home forget it! I’ll turn something on for 20 minutes and I’m done — I’ll watch another 20 minutes tomorrow haha.


Image credits: HealingxRain


Competing against others.

I hear you. The older I get, the more I just don’t care about the whole 'competition thing.' Especially at work, the rat race feels totally pointless. It's just a way to dehumanize people and turn them into tools.


Image credits: fukinay


People pleasing.


Trying to have a ton of friends.


Any and all celebrity content! I used to have a People magazine subscription, could tell you who was doing what. I consumed lots of celeb gossip, or “what perfume does Madonna use” garbage. Plus, I knew celeb names, what movies they were in, etc. Now? I know absolutely nothing. The best part though is that I DNGAF!!!


Working. I'm 28 now and when I first started in my sector as a 21 year old I was obsessed with climbing the ladder and being important in my organisation. I loved being in management meetings with senior people, I wanted to discuss ideas, create new processes. I wanted to be someone in the know that could lead and manage a team to a new direction. I would crave projects where I could show off my talent and put myself out there. I lived for people in important roles recognising my talents and saying nice things about my work.

But now? Meh. I've seen how management works and I'm sick of it, I'm sick of working towards something that really doesn't make much of a difference and mean anything at all. I'm sick of the endless Monday to Friday, 9-5 constant workload. I don't care about my organisation, I don't care about climbing the ladder and I don't care about impressing people. I really don't care about working my a*s off 9-5 all week for a brief respite over the weekend. It all just seems so small and unimportant, we work every single day for what? A bit of money that just goes on bills. I want to be out there living, seeing new things, I want to explore the world.

But because I can't do that I just want a job that pays well and isn't too boring.


I’ve always prefer something like game nights/bonfires over partying. Idk I’ve never really partied, but just hearing stories about embarrassing yourself, getting taken advantage of, and your “friends” not having your back just throw me off. I’m sure it’s not all like that, but it’s not worth the risk for me. Anyway, the thing I’ve lost interest in is probs amusement parks. As a kid, I loved them. I’m still not afraid of roller coasters, but they make me feel sick now.


Socialising and people in general. Love being at home pottering about.


Image credits: Hot-Doughnut5681


My career as a teacher.

I love helping and educating others.

However, lately a have been getting more and more disrespectful students. I want to help them to achieve their life goals! I put in the work so that they learn and stay engaged. But…they just want to be fed the answers and not learn to think for themselves.


Fashion (crocs and socks?) yeah I’m out!


Image credits: blissfullyaware82


Losing interest in consuming multiple modes of content. At any one point my brain can only do one book and one tv show. But not YouTube, tv show, book, instagram, podcast, etc.


Image credits: Independent_Hawk_342


Crowds. Constant socialization. Drinking. Working. Other people. The news.


Smoking weed. It hasnt done anything positive for my mental health. It's just a distraction. When you stop smoking, all the issues are still there. It's just another expensive addiction/crutch.


Social get togethers of larger groups.


Video Games. Been slowly losing interest. Was a Mythic Raider in WoW for years, but after the s**t shows that were BFA and SL, I gave up on Blizzard. I even went and tried the “free trial” for DF and it screamed same old Blizzard. Since then it has been a steady decline, unable to find that spark in gaming. I’ve started working out instead and it’s done wonders for my anxiety and health problems. Go figure. The thing that used to help me get away from anxiety, was helping cause it.


Image credits: Taueron


The past.Letting go of the past was the best thing I've done .Letting go of most of my friends was not as hard as I thought.
We only spoke about stuff we did years ago.
What's the f*****g point?
Here's to whatever time I have left and the new stories.


Image credits: Wireman154


Outcomes. I now do my best and then do my best to let go of the outcome.

Yesss!!! I also realized that the fun part of life is actually the 'bad' outcome or failure! Like, who cares, either way, I’m doing this because I want to.


Other people`s opinion about me.


Trying to maintain friendships with people you don’t have anything in common with anymore. It’s sad to me that we drifted, but honestly the effort that goes into it is exhausting. I’m fine with one or two close friends who really get me. I don’t need to force a relationship with people I went to school with 25 yrs ago.


The latest Hits.
Sure, there can be that one newly released song I actually like, but I am not ashamed not knowing who (insert latest one hit wonder act) is.


Having a career and climbing the corporate ladder. I just want to make enough money to feel comfortable and don’t want work to rule my life anymore.


Anime. I've seen hundreds, loved it for a long time. I still enjoy manga because there's a bigger variety of cool philosophical or drama titles for adults but each year I feel like I'm more and more too old for anime and the things that anime fans find funny, which are mostly jokes about how one girl's boobies are smaller than the other's and that's comedy, apparently.


Dealing with people. Don’t get me wrong I’m a nice person but the minute someone wants and yearns for drama and other things - I have nothing but indifference.
