79 Hilarious Problems That Are Oh So Very British (new Pics)

Americans and Brits really are a pond apart, and not just physically. The two nations differ when it comes to how they use the English language, how they deploy humor (or humour) and wit, and of course, the very real problems they face, and how they tackle them. The British are known for their self-deprecating, dry, and often sarcastic jokes. And they’re not afraid to call themselves “awkward.”
In the words of British journalist Rob Temple, “Britain is a maze of idiosyncrasies, loveable foibles, and outright eccentricities” and he’s capitalizing on the quirks of his countrymen. Temple is the founder of the hugely successful “Very British Problems” empire.
The social media accounts have a combined following of more than 5 million straight-faced fans, all down for a good old-fashioned giggle. There’s even a television show, book, and merchandise to prove that the Brits really are in a league of their own when it comes to their wicked sense of humor and ability to laugh at themselves.
Bored Panda has put together a banger list of hilarious posts from the “Very British Problems” Instagram and "So Very British" Facebook pages. Grab your afternoon tea and cucumber sandwiches, and keep scrolling for a bout of laughter fit for a king.
#1 British Humour
Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#2 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#3 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
Only in Britain will you find level 1-5 warnings about the "goose on platform 2." If you're traveling on a day the bird's in a good mood, lucky you. He's relaxed and you can be, too. But if you spot a "Level 5" warning, be afraid. Be very afraid. Today, the goose is peeved, violent, and ready to attack, likely making your day a lot more awkward than it already is.
The goose post is just one of many hilarious problems shared on the Very British Problems IG account. The account has racked up an impressive 964k followers, and that's on top of the millions of people who follow the sister "X" and Facebook accounts.
#4 I Just Watched A Chicken Cross The Road And Now I’m Wondering Why It Happened

Image credits: Very British Problems
#5 Monday Morning Survival Kit. Right, Let’s Get This Week Started

Image credits: Very British Problems
#6 Somethings Tells Me This Might Be A Corner Shop

Image credits: Very British Problems
"Very British Problems" is the brainchild of a bloke called Rob Temple. He's a journalist, consultant, producer, author, and all-round funny guy. Originally from Peterborough, he now lives in Cambridge "with his alarmingly expansive collection of waterproof jackets," according to the "Very British Problems" website.
Temple has penned some pretty hilarious posts for the Telegraph, including one titled Very British Problems: the small anxieties that plague our nation, from mini-breaks to office speak. His book, Britain According to Very British Problems was published in 2024.
#7 Spoilt For Beautiful British Place Names Today

Image credits: Very British Problems
#8 Only In Britain

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#9 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
"Very British Problems are what make us so, well, British. And what better place to get to the heart of these problems than, urm, Britain?" wrote Temple on his site, ahead of the book's launch.
"Starting in Land's End and heading all the way up to John O'Groats, this A-Z tour of Britain covers everything from the national sports of apologising, queueing, and bog-snorkelling to our national cuisine of chips, bread rolls, and... chips in bread rolls. You'll take in sights such as Stonehenge (see the iconic prop from Spinal Tap in all its glory), Loch Ness (legend has it there is no monster) and Platform 9 ¾ (after a few hours waiting in a railway station, have your photo taken next to a brick wall) all whilst looking for somewhere decent to stop and eat your packed lunch."
#10 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#11 A Good Day To Switch From Beige Trousers To Beige Shorts

Image credits: Very British Problems
#12 Life Is Just Full Of Big Decisions

Image credits: Very British Problems
Temple's sharp wit, wicked sense of humor, and ability to use his words wisely make him a perfect example of what British blokes are all about. But life hasn't always been a laughing matter for this U.K. national treasure.
In 2022, Temple revealed in a column for the Telegraph that he'd almost died from alcoholism. He'd just marked one year sober when he shared his hard-hitting personal story. Temple also tackled mental health problems and a breakdown following the collapse of his first marriage.
#13 There’s Obviously Only One Sensible Way To Cut A Piece Of Toast And It’s Like This. Any Other Methods Are Just Silly. Now Let That Be The End Of It

Image credits: Very British Problems
#14 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#15 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
Temple tells of how he drank so heavily that he ended up hospitalized with acute pancreatitis. He'd been living on a diet consisting of vodka and wine gums for a 'few months,' he says. The author revealed that his illness caused hallucinations.
He also talks about withdrawals, a fall down the stairs, hepatitis, and double aspirational pneumonia. It was so severe that his parents cut a holiday in Spain short to visit him. He eventually gave up drinking and changed his life.
#16 Tiny Ladder To Biscuits Spotted In B&m. Borrowers Were Here

Image credits: Very British Problems
#17 I Was Wondering Why My Coat Was So Bulky Today. I’ve Been Walking Around With A Can Of Spam In My Pocket

Image credits: Very British Problems
#18 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
In his one-year sobriety post, Temple talks about a 'time of wobbly orientation', and how his second wife helped save him with her unwavering support. He shares not only his optimism about the future, but also how quitting the bottle has helped his bank balance, and other aspects of his life.
#19 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#20 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#21 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
The author claims he saves the equivalent of around $9,000 a year, which is money he used to spend on drinking at home alone. He reveals that he no longer has to drive around with his own breathalyzer around, and highlights the health improvements he's seen since quitting.
But the best thing about abstinence, writes Temple, is the fact that he no longer worries the people he loves.
#22 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#23 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#24 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#25 More Beautiful British Place Names

Image credits: Very British Problems
#26 Thought We’d Have Flying Cars By 2025, Instead It’s Adverts For Vapes Through The Door

Image credits: Very British Problems
#27 Another Beautiful British Place Name. A Superior, Omnipotent Manchester

Image credits: Very British Problems
#28 Another Beautiful British Place Name

Image credits: Very British Problems
#29 It Wouldn’t Be A Gp Waiting Area Without One Of These Bad Boys

Image credits: Very British Problems
#30 Further To My Last Post, Please Can We Petition For Yelling To Be Spelled With Capital Letters

Image credits: Very British Problems
#31 My Wife: “Just Get Eggs, Please. Don’t Get Anything Else. Just Get Six Eggs And Then Come Home.” Me:

Image credits: Very British Problems
#32 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#33 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#34 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#35 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#36 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#37 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#38 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#39 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#40 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#41 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#42 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#43 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#44 British Humour

Image credits: SoVeryBritish
#45 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#46 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#47 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#48 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#49 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#50 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#51 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#52 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#53 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#54 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#55 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#56 Love Me A Good British Clock Tower

Image credits: Very British Problems
#57 Bet The Residents Here Eat Loads Of Mashed Potato

Image credits: Very British Problems
#58 I’m Going Into Monday Thinking Of This Picture ???? (Which Means I’m Going Into Monday Already Slightly Annoyed)

Image credits: Very British Problems
#59 Every Year I Forget That The Reward For Getting Through January’s Weather Is February’s Weather

Image credits: Very British Problems
#60 Breakfast Of Champions

Image credits: Very British Problems
#61 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#62 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#63 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#64 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#65 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#66 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#67 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#68 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#69 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#70 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#71 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#72 Jif Lemon, Having Its Little Annual Moment On The Big Boy Shelves (End Of A Main Aisle). Bless

Image credits: Very British Problems
#73 Parsnips = Best Vegetable

Image credits: Very British Problems
#74 From The D Section Of My Latest Book: Dinner (Or Tea)

Image credits: Very British Problems
#75 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#76 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#77 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#78 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial
#79 British Humour

Image credits: verybritishproblemsofficial