25 Silly Cat Memes That Uplift Silly Serotonin Levels On This Meowing Monday
There's no better way to make yourself happy other than a cat. It doesn't even matter if you're a cat person or not (and you probably are because you're here, but that's beside the point) - because cats make everything better, for every hooman. And every hooman needs happiness - and that's especially true on Monday mornings. Exactly like this Monday morning… Yes, it's a meowing Monday morning and we're not the happiest of hoomans - but we're doing better than most, because we have cat memes.
Just like cats make everything better, so do cat memes. Cat memes are like silly little doses of happiness you can consume whenever you want - and we assume you want to on a Monday morning like this. Cat memes are such happiness-inducing little online humor droplets, full of funny feline delight. They're not actual cats, but they are the next best thing if you don't have a cat in your immediate surroundings. So, what are you waiting for? Make your Monday morning much better with a bunch of silly little cat memes.