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90 Times Men Exposed Gross And Annoying Habits Of Their Partners (new Pics)

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We all have our quirks, oddities, and character flaws. It’s what makes all of us so unique and lovable! And it’s not like anyone’s ‘perfect’ anyway—every single one of us on Earth has our fair share of habits that (secretly) annoy the people closest to us. Whether that’s stacking the plates in the dishwasher ‘wrong’ or keeping an army of cups and bottles at the ready on our desks and nightstands.

Sometimes, people need to find a place to vent, so they go online to share photos of the things that their wives and girlfriends do that are irritating yet also endearing. Bored Panda collected some of the funniest and most relatable examples for a bit of lighthearted humor. Scroll down to check them out. Oh, and keep in mind that all of these examples could easily apply to husbands and boyfriends, too!

#1 My Wife's Bedside Table

Image credits: Spanky_McJiggles

#2 My Wife Insists That All The Bottles Be Placed On The Edge Of The Bathtub. And Every Day I Accidentally Drop Them


Image credits: briandk

#3 My Wife Decided To Save Money And Cut Our Dog's Hair Herself


Image credits: rakufman

The Institute for Family Studies reports that nearly half (49%) of all American couples with kindergarten-age children argue over chores and responsibilities. Couples who argued about chores the most were less likely to be happy with the more physical aspects of their relationships.

Meanwhile, the Institute states that other major sources of arguments included money (43% of respondents admitted this was a sore subject), children (41%), being too tired for sex (38%), and how leisure time is spent (33%). Rarer topics for arguments included the in-laws (29%), showing affection (22%), religion (10%), drinking (8%), and other women or men (just 4%).

#4 My Wife Never Finishes Her Coffee


Image credits: Obvious-Swimming-332

#5 The Way My Wife Opens The Bread

Image credits:

#6 This Is How My Wife Cuts Herself A Brownie


Image credits: new_vr

Meanwhile, Investopedia states that money disagreements, along with arguments about sex, consistently rank as the top two reasons married couples fight. “In both cases, one member of the pair just can't seem to get enough of what they view as a scarce commodity.”

The solution? More open and constructive conversations, as well as setting some ground rules for how both partners should behave. Meanwhile, like most areas of life, honesty really is the best antidote for resentment.

#7 The Way My Wife Leaves The Egg Shells In The Carton Instead Of Throwing Them Into The Trash


Image credits: RemarkableRyan

#8 How My Wife Leaves Her Plate In The Dishwasher


Image credits: Rollerama99

#9 My Girlfriend Complains That I Always Want To Buy The Same Shoes, Meanwhile


Image credits:

A bit of objectivity and a dash of empathy can work wonders for any relationship. Before you start criticizing others, it might not be such a horrible idea to reflect on your own habits and quirks.

Are you the type of person who never watches movies and TV shows in fullscreen mode? Do you poke fun at others for doing the same things you’re guilty of?

Do you leave your clothes strewn about the entire home? Are you overly messy or obsessed with neatness?

#10 How My Wife Puts Up The Vacuum


Image credits:

#11 My Wife Puts Leftover Pistachio Shells Back In With The Uneaten Pistachios


Image credits: bmhorn81

#12 Instead Of Using A Knife To Cut Butter My Wife Sometimes Mashes It Off With Her Fingers


Image credits: anonshade64

The odds are that if you sit down with your partner and have an open and honest discussion about each other’s habits, you’ll find that you have a lot of things to work on.

Being part of a happy and healthy relationship means supporting each other no matter what, but also being transparent about things that bug you, and helping one another grow and improve. This is different from trying to ‘fix’ someone. We can grow as individuals, but there is nothing in us that is objectively in need of ‘fixing.’

#13 Got Some Chicken Nuggets, Went For A Piss And My Girlfriend Greeted Me With This


Image credits: epiccookiejar

#14 How My Fiance Opened The Bag Of Milk


Image credits: dilberry

#15 My Fiancée Was In Charge Of Getting My Back


Image credits: ijalajtheelephant

This sort of openness is unavoidable if you’re in a relationship for the long run. If you genuinely love your significant other, you owe it to them not to keep your frustrations roiling inside of you. And they owe you the same level of honesty.

Naturally, how you say something is just as important as what you say. There are moments when you need to be direct, but you shouldn’t be overly blunt, blurting out a bunch of hurtful things.

#16 My Wife Always Puts The Butter In The Fridge Like This

Image credits: _superpurple

#17 Wife Took My Car Yesterday


Image credits: txc115

#18 GF Accidentally Spilled Hot Wax On Ps5

Image credits: AppleJerk69

Try to phrase your thoughts in a way that you know your partner will be receptive to. For instance, if they tend to get defensive, you could be more delicate and diplomatic. Use lots of ‘I’ statements about how you feel when they behave a certain way, all while avoiding any direct judgments or dredging up any past arguments.

On the flip side, if you know that your significant other prefers directness or is awful at picking up on subtle hints, try matching their level of communication. You can still be friendly even when you’re firm.

#19 Asked My Wife If She Could Take Down The Lights On The Christmas Tree While I Was At Work. This Is What I Came Back To


Image credits: AddExternal

#20 My GF Takes Off The Shampoo And Conditioner Labels Off The Bottle


Image credits: iTzChriso

#21 My Girlfriend Never Watches Movies Or Shows In Full Screen

Image credits: broboblob

Just because you’re discussing your relationship issues aloud doesn’t mean that you don’t love each other. We’d argue that it’s quite the opposite. Avoiding any sort of conflict means that any resentment you have keeps building up inside you until it finally rushes out.

Meanwhile, if you’re genuinely unhappy in your relationship, you should at least try to work things out. One of the worst things you can do is stay with your partner while feeling deeply unhappy and keeping such important feelings to yourself.

#22 My Girlfriend Always Puts Drinks In The Garbage


Image credits: bosom-fondler

#23 Wife Nibbles All The Salt From The Pretzels Like Some Kind Of Deranged Gerbil And Leaves The Half Soggy Leftovers On The Bedside Table


Image credits: The-goobie

#24 My Wife Keeps Buying New Pairs Of Ear Buds After Consistently Losing Only The Left One


Image credits: DonnyLumbergh

A core part of discussing these minor and major relationship challenges with your partner is just that—discussing it. Nobody enjoys lengthy monologues or being preached at. You can show that you respect each other by actively listening to truly understand each other’s perspectives.

That way, you can look for compromises that genuinely work, instead of one side being browbeaten into submission. A good rule of thumb is that if you’re waiting for your turn to speak, instead of putting yourself in the other person’s shoes, you’re doing it wrong.

#25 How My GF Cuts This Cake, Get Out Of My Kitchen


Image credits: scroobius_

#26 The Space My Wife Gives Me To Sleep On Our Queen Size Bed


Image credits: BrokeMilitary

#27 The Knife My Girlfriend Insists Is Enough For The Kitchen


Image credits: Yejus

Let’s not be naive, of course, it’s uncomfortable telling someone you care about that you think they’re messy, inconsiderate, or just gosh darn wrong on a cosmic scale. However, until we find a way to read minds, there are no alternatives to finding that smidgen of courage to speak up.

It’s better for everyone. It’s quite likely that your partner never noticed their irritating habits in the first place! And they might even tell you all about yours. Win-win!

#28 My GF Doesn’t Mind Watching TV Like This


Image credits: Dirtydirty89

#29 The Way My Girlfriend “Changed” The Toilet Paper Roll Today. How Do I Tell Her She Needs To Move Out?


Image credits: cozyfuton

#30 Moved In With My Girlfriend. She Says There’s Not Enough Closet Space For Me


Image credits: Megawiemer

What are the most irritating habits your significant others have, dear readers? Which behaviors do you find endearing despite all the inner turmoil they’ve caused you? How do you bring up discussions about them?

If you had to be brutally honest with yourselves, what are the things you personally do that you think others find frustrating? We can’t wait to hear all about your experiences—the funnier, the better. Scroll down to the comments section at the very bottom of this list to tell your fellow Pandas all about them.

#31 When Your Wife Forgets To Close The Pepper Lid


Image credits: baan1994

#32 My Wife When Shoveling


Image credits: allH3vean

#33 How My Wife Takes Eggs From The Fridge, While Complaining That We’re Running Out Of Room

Image credits: flyzapper

#34 When The Wife Cooks Salt Potatoes


Image credits: Salt-Fee-9543

#35 My Girlfriend Never Finishes Her Drinks But Keeps Buying New Ones Anyways


Image credits: BotaramReal

#36 The Way My Girlfriend Squeeze Mayo Tubes


Image credits: Chriand

#37 How My Wife Wears Shoes


Image credits: Affectionate_Tear302

#38 When The Perfume You Bought Your Wife For Christmas Ends Up In The Toilet As “Air Freshener”


Image credits: baxterrocky

#39 My Girlfriend Was Wondering Why Her Vacuum Was Not Working Anymore


Image credits: johnfaber

#40 My Girlfriend's Desktop


Image credits: shishiblututh

#41 Bought A Brand New Engagement Ring For My Girlfriend / Fiancé Just For Her To Buy A Fake One And Tell Me The One I Got Her Wasn’t Big Enough And She Wanted Something More Noticeable

Image credits: National_Search_537

#42 Under A Tight Deadline, I Had To Stop Everything To Post My Wife's Dinner


Image credits: Roscoe_P_Trolltrain

#43 What My Wife Throws Away After Making A Sandwich For Our 2 Year Old


Image credits: turtlejam10

#44 Where My Wife Put The Eggs When She Did Her Quarterly Kitchen Tidy Up


Image credits: Sovietjitsu

#45 Wife Throws Out Whole Loaf Of Bread After Dinner

Image credits: JustOneMorePuff

#46 How My GF Puts Her Gum Back


Image credits: ttvdagamer4321

#47 This Is How My Girlfriend Replaces The Trash Bag In The Bathroom Almost Every Time


Image credits: YoTeach68

#48 Wife Used My Extension Cord


Image credits: ZookeepergameOk5132

#49 My Wife Is A Monster And Takes Pills From Blister Packs Completely At Random


Image credits: steals-from-kids

#50 My Wife Hung A Nice Picture And A Small Shelf While I Was On Duty; Now My Eye Is Twitching


Image credits:

#51 My Girlfriend Leaves One Single Ice Cube. Every Single Time


Image credits: candyflip93

#52 How My Wife Winds Up Cords


Image credits: ricochet511

#53 How My Girlfriend ‘Handled’ A Spider, And Is Too Scared To Clean It Up


Image credits: nomadwannabe

#54 My Wife Doesn't Throw Away Leftover Sauces And Condiments. She Says, 'I Might Need Them, And They're So Cute


Image credits: the_beeve

#55 My Wife Keeps Telling Me Our Current Teatowels Are Fine And We Don't Need New Ones


Image credits: Nommag1

#56 How My Partner Leaves The Toilet When She Is Finished


Image credits: sjdh2837

#57 GF Always Lights A Candle Near Dried Leaves


Image credits: Legitimate-Rock5663

#58 This Is The Toilet Paper My Wife Chooses To Buy (We Are Not Very Poor)

Image credits: dbenzev

#59 Girlfriend Decided That After Being Done Grating Cheese, It Would Be A Good Idea To Just Take A Bite Out Of A Block Of Cheese


Image credits: lau17041

#60 GF Found The Engagement Ring A Week Before I Was Going To Propose


Image credits: 4N6and4D6

#61 You’re Going To Love This Thing


Image credits: deroiamusic

#62 This Is How My New GF Makes Toast


Image credits: Effective_Highway215

#63 My Wife Says You Can Use These Swiffer Pads More Than 2 Times And I Think That’s Gross What Do You Guys Think?


Image credits: Microtonicwave

#64 Fiance Is Constantly Leaving Things In Her Driver's Side Footwell


Image credits: MaineCowboy

#65 My Dog's Vet Put Him On A Restricted Diet Because He's Older. My Wife Keeps Giving Him Meat And Sneaking It Into The Food I Make For Him


Image credits: Yosho2k

#66 My GF Ate Only The Chocolate Chip Pieces And Left The Rest Of The Cookies Behind


Image credits: Dimitrisan

#67 My Wife Is A Monster


Image credits: Randorii

#68 My Girlfriend Insists On Having Only The Screen Door Open For 30 Minutes At A Time Every Morning To “Air The Apartment Out”, Even When It’s 30 Degrees Outside


Image credits: Adammot

#69 Nothing Sticks When I Use It But Every Time My Wife Cooks She Does This


Image credits: Bobbaman77

#70 My Wife’s Computer Screen


Image credits: echtav

#71 My Wife Didn’t Wait For Me To Sand The Spackle Before She Painted


Image credits: Itothesky

#72 Wife Opening Her New Mouse Packaging


Image credits: Oswarez

#73 Pretty Sure My GF Is Trolling Me


Image credits: macmadman

#74 My GF: "I Couldn't Fit It In Freezer." I Hereby Apologize To The Whole French Nation


Image credits: Ravers

#75 My Girlfriend Moved In


Image credits: spankpeggysfeet

#76 Told My Wife My Cat Doesn't Need Expensive Toys. Cat Proves My Point


Image credits: Azeriass

#77 My Wife Won’t Let Me Throw Out Our Used 1 Candle Because One Day Our Three Year Old Will Be Ten And We Can Use It Again


Image credits: thebigL33811

#78 How My GF Handles Her Change


Image credits: ItsTheCornDog

#79 Invited My GF To A Cook Out To Meet My Family... This Happens Pretty Much Every Time We Make Plans

She's known about this for over a month now. The last two messages are half an hour apart. She's supposed to be over at noon and its currently 10.

Image credits: gabbyrose1010

#80 Jail


Image credits: rayvolpe

#81 My Wife When She Cooks. It 100% Mildly Annoys Me. Maybe I’m The Bad Guy

Image credits: totemx

#82 When Gaming, My Wife Uses Her Keyboard With Crossed Arms


Image credits: alexzhivil

#83 My Wife Left Our Pressure Cooker On A Hot Burner

Image credits: Kind-Claim8827

#84 How My Partner Eats Pringles. Shakes The Tub To Crush Them Then Put Them Into A Bowl To Eat With A Spoon


Image credits: drempire

#85 My Wife Eats Ice Cream With A Fork. I’m Very Emotional Rn


Image credits: Grundle__Puncher

#86 Wife Doesn’t Trust Me With Our Tupperware Anymore. Spaghetti Lunch In Ziploc


Image credits: aRoofer

#87 Where My Soundbar’s Remote Ended Up After Wife Shook A Cloth Outside Of A Condo Window


Image credits: GtheCi

#88 This Is Actually Super Icky… All The Sauce And Juice Will Be All Over Your Hands


Image credits: themouseyouknow

#89 Wife Doesn't Get Why This Lid Position Annoys Me


Image credits: SomethingSpecialMayb

#90 Artist Rendering Of How Much Space My Wife Leaves Me In Bed. Approx 5000 Square Inches Of A Possible 6080. She's The Ghengis Khan Of The King Mattress


Image credits: Therealfern1
