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Brain Teaser - Just For Fun

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TLDR: I know it's hypothetical, but just humor the post - it's sci-fi.

Independence day (Film 1996) the aliens were defeated by "hacking" their technology with a virus/malware.

The premise is humans reverse engineered thier technology and they came back to conquer.

Back to cybersecurity. Lets pretend you're back in windows3.0 (or whichever older OS you want to think of - non hacking like backtrack etc.) Can you use that old OS to write a code and hack a newer OS - windows 11/macOS?

Ok, people will say "they used the alien's space craft to inject the malware. Trojan". I get that part. But also considering the coding language.

It's like TURBO PASCAL. (I'm showing my age.) and mixing it with python3.. maybe it can happen maybe it cant. Different compilers, syntax, paradigms etc.

The point of my post... Humans would have lost ID. ????????

submitted by /u/doncalgar
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