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My brother who is 30 years old lived with parents to save for a house. He bought home a girlfriend and my parents let him. She's been staying over a month th...
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This is in Australia. My friend lives in WA and the girl texting him lives in NSW. There's some context that I want to add in case it ends up being relevant,...
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I'm an oncology nurse, and I believe my family is neglecting and abusing my grandfather, who has dementia and is on hospice care at home in Tennessee for 8+ ...
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I'm a 20f disabled person, completely in a motorized wheelchair with little to no movement. I've lived the last 6-4 years in what I consider neglect. I'm lu...
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I F15 have a best friend F15 and they have a boyfriend, who we will call Zach, Zach is 25. He's a teacher at my school. A little background, me and my best f...
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EX Landlord Threatening me with Sat Demand I have rented a property for 17 years, I moved in the day another lady was evicted and did all the cleaning change...
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My job tried to make me make up a day from two months ago when I had screened out with Covid symptoms per policy(I work in healthcare). They have a policy ab...
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As the title reads, my sister's boyfriend totaled her (my) car, and I have very limited options moving forward with insurance which is causing a lot of strai...
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I’ve never had a seizure or anything of the like so I assumed I was having a stroke and was taken to the hospital. My family came to my work to drive me to t...
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My parents have lived with us since we bought our house 7 years ago. Since COVID started they have grown increasingly out of touch and manipulate and quite f...
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A family member has a SFH, the property line with a neighbor has been along a cinder block wall/chain link fence for 30+ years. The neighbor has been claimin...
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We live with our two small kids in Northern California, the adult son of the neighbor is schizophrenic, and since two years ago every night he starts swearin...
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Ex had 6 months to buy house and hasn’t Ex-spouse had 6 months to buy the house from me for mortgage payoff. House is 75% paid off. They haven’t. Not an assu...
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Pretty much the title. This involves adults. I'm aware that this footage has been viewed by the person involved no less than twice and one other person has s...
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So my husband received some work at the dentist about a year ago and went on a payment plan to cover the costs. If I'm remembering correctly the payments wer...
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Basically the question. My administrators attempt to make the staff at my school participate in many after hours activities. These go beyond just giving tuto...
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My aunt's brother (my dad) passed away two years ago, which understandably sent her into a deep depression. My aunt has never been particularly tidy. She has...
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Long story short, I live with my girlfriend and her sister and her two parents. My partner and I have been together for 5 years on October 1st. I pay 500$ fo...
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I work as a dealer at a casino where we get paid $6.00 hourly, then get our tips get pooled together and distributed as hourly pay for whoever worked that da...
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Somewhat related to my other post. We basically have two time systems that we have to keep track of, the punch clock that we use when we get to work and when...
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Recently bought a boat from a friend. He had bought it from a friend from a local fishing club. Story is, original owner passed away. A relative (think it wa...