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[fl] Sister Continues To Make False Reports To Cps To Try To Take My Son As Her Own

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Posted over at asklawyers and thought I’d post here as well.

I’m in Florida and for context: I have a son who has ADHD, ASD and self-injurious behaviors. My sister who we haven’t seen since Christmas called me out of the blue asking me when I would start the process to give her legal guardianship over my son, pull him from school and have him live with her. She went onto saying that she would allow me to call and talk to him and continue to live with her when his behaviors are better. I said to her remember that I am his mother, carried him for 9 months, felt the pain to have him what does she mean by living with her? Less than 30 seconds later she said she had to go. Never called me back. Sunday the police and CPS showed up at the house and when she asked about a condition my son was born with which my sister claimed I caused that on my son, I knew right there that it had to be a family member. I was allowed to read the allegations right in my face it said “her nephew” I knew it was definitely my sister. I tried calling her and my niece after the police and CPS left and I knew I was blocked. Because my son has scrapes and scars ( have records of him doing things that hurts himself) taking object and hitting himself with it, banging head into walls, picking scabs off old cuts, ripping hair from his head, pulling teeth from his mouth. Some of these things took place in school he needs to be examined. While talking to the lady she mentioned that she had gotten 6 new reports today alone.

My sister is trying to ruin my life because she want to take my son as her own as she’s not able to have anymore children. I feel that she’s not going to stop with these accusations. What can I do legally to somewhat put a stop to it?

I removed her as an emergency contact for my son because right now she seems unpredictable.

She not only accused me but also my parents of abusing my son. Saying how I lied and made doctors diagnosed my son to get services and an IEP. Etc;

What are my options here?

Other information: my mother called niece who’s my sister’s daughter. Niece said “my mom is not going to stop reporting her because she doesn’t love him, he all of his behaviors she caused and him running away and enjoying being baker act shows that he doesn’t want to live with her (me)”. Mind you my son has a history of eloping both home and school.

My son has stated in school that he had a preference of which hospital they keep him while baker acted. Apparently he enjoys the food at one hospital over the other but he also goes to school telling his peers how I call the police on him and he went to the juvenile detention center. (Not true, he’s never been arrested)

submitted by /u/Fiona_b4_shrek
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