(massachusetts/usa) Landlord Wants To Send A Friend To Collect Keys, But I Have Not Been Ordered To Leave By The Court.
I'm a tenant at will. I have only been served a notice to quit, I know I do not have to leave yet. How should I respond to his text asking for the keys, if at all? Also I can't seem to find information pertaining to whether he is allowed to send just anyone to collect the keys. Does he have to come in person? I don't intend to give them to him, just curious.
For some background, my new landlord started construction on the roof without notifying me of the construction, and in The processes of doing so, blocked my ability to exit the building by parking a truck up against the only door. This was highly inconvenient for obvious reasons, but because the construction woke me up at 7am, I politely texted him asking if he could give me notice next time he's doing construction. He made excuses and said he thought it would have been more inconvenient for me if the roof leaked on me. I thanked him for being proactive, but told him I would still like to receive notice next time. He replied saying he tried reasoning with me, and he will be sending me a notice to evict. To top it off, and this may be a separate issue, on the way out of the building i was hit in the neck by a falling roof tile and need physical therapy now. He is not aware of this yet, I do intend to sue for the injury, but in the mean time I just want to buy myself more time while I look for a new place to live. I still intend to pay rent, but I don't know if he will accept it. I pay by money order, the landlord lives in Florida, and has me usually pay rent by giving the money order to the women running the bar downstairs that he owns. I feel some complications may arise there as well.
I have never posted here before, I'm sorry mods if I have done this wrong in anyway. But thank you for reading and have a good day.
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