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[us - Va/tx/ma] Called To Ugly By Multiple C-suite To Do My Job?

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Called too ugly for my job by C-Suite?

Had an interesting meeting today with three C-Suite people at the enterprise I work for.

I’m a researcher, who has previously very successfully held webinars, TV spots, podcast spots, earned media all for the research I’ve originated for / with the company.

Well now that we’re growing I guess I’m getting big leagued because one of the execs said, and the other agreed “that I don’t have a face or the looks to be a spokesperson” to build a public facing research group. They even added the “no offense” at the end.

Their plan is to hire someone they know under-skilled and have him present my research, findings, etc and take credit as the face but would be employed under me.

Am I wrong for being totally offended? Like I’m not a 10 but I’m not puck ugly - and we’re not talking movie starts but technical and scientific research.

Would you say anything to HR given it was 3 C level employees?

Sister said sue for discrimination - but I doubt this would be considered that. And I don’t think looks are a protected class, but I do have Severe (treated) ADHD and Anxiety/PTSD from service. This does unfortunately make travel more stressful for me, and I will occasionally have acute instances of hyperhidrosis (idiomatic intense sweating)

Is this normal at high level business and media / marketing?

I never would’ve thought my I thought average looks would put me in the backseat in a tech career.

I know my research, work, and novel ideas all belong to the company but fuck I feel straight up disrespected.

submitted by /u/isThisEvenR3al
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