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[usa, Mi] Construction Worker Damaged My Car With A Cement Rake. I Was Sworn At And Yelled At When I Tried To Talk To Them About This. Do I Have Any Recourse?

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I was driving by a construction zone and there was a worker using a cement rake with him extremely long pole. I was going by at about 10 mph and the worker, with his back to me, pulled the cement rake back right into the side of my car and it left a huge gash all the way down my driver side.

I pulled over at a gas station and walked over. I didn't yell or scream at them but I admit that I wasn't super calm, I threw my hands up and said " what the fuck. Who is going to pay for the damage to my car that you just caused?"

The guy who actually did the damage as well as a couple of his co-workers got in my face and started yelling at me, telling me to get the fuck out of here. Not wanting to get into a fist fight I went back to my car, got pictures all the people from the construction crew involved as well as my car. I tried looking for anything in the construction zone that had a company name or number on it and I didn't see anything.

Do I have any recourse whatsoever? Who do I even call about this? This is probably over $1,000 worth of damage.

submitted by /u/Icy_Dream_3028
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