29f I Found Out My Credit Is Under My Moms Name Because My Mom Used My Ssn To Get Credit Cards For Herself

I have recently decided to look into my credit report because I want to get a credit card. I know it’s weird that I’m just looking into things now but I grew up extremely poor. I never cared about my credit score because I never thought I would ever be able to buy a house or car. I ended up getting a nice paying job and I can afford to buy a house now. But I do need more credit history for that to happen. When I checked my score through credit karma I found out that I have two scores. One under my name from paying my student loans and another one that has my mom’s name that dates back to 2002. There are over 10 accounts opened/closed from a span of over 20 years. 9 accounts are closed but there is one open from target that has a balance of 600. That account says it’s in good standing so it must still be getting used… I tried to talk to my mom about it and she got extremely defensive and said it was all my bio father’s fault. (Haven’t seen him since I was 12) but they are all under her name and connected with our past addresses. There is no way it wasn’t her. A lot of accounts were closed in 2019, and I’m starting to put a lot of dots together. That year I tried to buy a car but my social was flagged and I had just assumed it was because I barely had any history and my ex step dad ended up putting it in his name. I’m assuming that after this incident was when she started paying and closing them off. I think I would be more upset if my score was bad but the credit under her name is 745 and the one under mine is 690. I don’t know what to do now. If I report her does she go to jail? She got her citizenship in 2016. What if reporting it causing her to be deported? My family would never forgive me. She isn’t a great person (my younger sister didn’t speak to her for 8 years once) but she is my mom. I love her and I can learn to look past this. Will I ever be able to buy a house? A car? How can I fix this. I would greatly appreciate some advice.
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