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A Former Employee Is Stealing My Brand

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I own 4 barbershops in my city. The name is rather long, so i have always abbreviated it. As an example, let's say the name is Excellent Mens Grooming, and since having opened 10 years ago, everyone calls it EMG.

The sign says EMG in big letters (with the name in small letters underneath) the barber smocks all say EMG, and when you search for the barbershop on Google maps by EMG Barbershop, it will take you to one of my locations.

I federally trademarked the name 5 years ago, but not EMG. My former employee opened up a barbershop on the same road as mine, and named it EMG Barbershop. Now google maps takes you there when you type in EMG Barbershop. Additionally his yelp page says "i used to work for Excellent Mens Grooming. Welcome to the new EMG."

We sent him letters explaining this is not allowed as he is obviously trying to steal our brand, and we have now applied for the state trademark for EMG. He has not done any name applications through the secretary of state, so it is still available.

We are assuming he will continue to use the name until we take him to court for it, and we are also assuming we will be granted the EMG Trademark. We are cringing at all the money this is going to cost us to have to litigate this. And i doubt he will bother getting an attorney or do anything other than maybe show up at court. And if we win the case I'm sure we are going to have to continue to use legal channels to get him to stop using the name.

Is there any cheaper way to do this?

submitted by /u/HowDidIFallForThis
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