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A Person Has Been Stalking Me And My Girlfriend. Recently They Sent A Message To Me That I Think May Qualify As A Direct Threat. Is What They Said Enough To Get A Restraining Order.

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My ex has been stalking me and my girlfriend for a while. The cops got involved once when she was threatening to commit suicide by cop when I wasn’t responding to her messages.

She sent me a message the other day, and I’m not sure if it would be enough to count as a direct threat. One of the things I’m worried about is that she claims to have dissociative identity disorder (I have a BS in psychology and have worked in inpatient psych facilities for years and I’m 99% certain that she is lying) She sometimes goes as River and uses he/him pronouns when referring to her “alter” River.

This is a direct quote from a text she sent to me. My current partners name is Hex. Anyways here is the quote

“River is in psychosis and has a plan to harm hex. I genuinely believe that if he sees her again he will harm her. I'm genuinely afraid this will end in blood or worse.”

Is this a detect enough threat to take legal action to get a restraining order, or anything else to keep her away from me and my partner? This is driving me and my partner crazy and i genuinely think she might hurt one of us.

Any advice yall have would be deeply appreciated. Thanks for all of talks help in advance. We’re in Ohio btw if that helps anything.

submitted by /u/ReEliseYT
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