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Accused Of Shoplifting, But Innocent

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I went into Walmart for a charger. Pretty much the entire time I was in the store. I had my hands in my jacket pocket as it was 43° outside and I was frigid. Once I had the charger box, I put my hands in the box in my jacket pocket for warmth and walked towards the front door, occasionally pulling my hands out and blowing warm breast onto them.

I’m a big LEGO fan, and since I was curious, I stopped by the new LEGO Star Wars set. It was at this time that I realized the box felt strange and I took a better look at it. Someone had opened it and taken the charger. Seeing as how this is one of the only phone products that wasn’t under lock and key, I wasn’t too surprised. That being said, I am on probation for theft charges, so the situation did not look good For me. I kind of freaked out and left the empty box in the toy section. I didn’t think employee would believe me if I walked up to them and explained what happened given how many things are under lock and key and the obvious implied theft they deal with. I did not walk over and put it back on the shelf,as there are tons of cameras in that area, and I figured this would look just as, if not more incriminating.

At this point, I decided not to get the charger. I would go home and figure things out with a different charger. On the way out, I will stop by security who accused me of shoplifting. Knowing the situation looks bad and that they would likely not believe me, I offered to pay for the item, even though it was empty when I found it. They said no, and then I needed to come inside. Wanting to avoid police contact, I did not give my ID and I simply walked away. Some random guy involved himself when he saw security had stopped me and was accusing me of shoplifting. I believe he recorded me walking to my car and possibly got my license plate. I left the area and I’ve no intention on returning to this Walmart after a false accusation.

The item question was a $10 iPhone charger cable. I’ve never been stopped at that Walmart before and I’m anxious as to whether or not they will contact the police and if they actually have my license plate. It would be difficult to explain if I got arrested, but possible I think. Weather services can prove it was 43° and I was cold, so my hands constantly being in my pocket makes sense. If I went in there for only one item, then putting it in my pockets with my hands isn’t the most unreasonable thing. I already explained my logic behind not notifying an employee or returning it to its display, as I think it looks just as if not more suspicious. I think offering to pay might seem a little incriminating, but honestly, I just don’t want any cop involvement as I am moving forward with my life.anxiety and freaking out about being on probation and have a situation looked contributed to bad decision-making. In the end, it is a $10 item and they might have my license plate, but they don’t have my name. Should I be concerned?

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Falcon737
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