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Assaulted By Underage Drinkers Outside A Bar Where They Were Drinking Illegally: Are Florida Bars Liable For Actions Of Underaged Drinkers On Their Premises?

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Apologies in advance for the text wall, but this incident was a doozy and has some background to it.

Several days ago I was assaulted in the car park of a bar in Florida.

While I was inside a portapotty on the bar premises it was pushed over by a group of 5-6 guys which caused me to land headfirst into the floor and compress my spine, leading to me damaging my SI joint and lower back. Despite the injury I was able to kick the roof out pretty quickly and pursue the assailants who ran away when they saw me coming (I am a pretty big and fast guy and was seeing red so I imagine they panicked when they saw I got out and was coming for them).

When they reached their vehicle I blocked the only exit from the parking lot, at which point they accelerated straight at me on, causing me to dive to the side, landing on my side and fracturing several ribs. Over the last few days my lower back pain has increased and progressed off to numbness and shooting pain in my legs, and my rib injuries have caused me trouble breathing and make it difficult to lift or carry anything. I also spent the last 3 days vomiting and shitting water due to ingesting human waste during the chaos, and am required to undergo an array of tests for waste-born bacterial and parasitic infections.

All my injuries were assessed and recorded the next morning at a local ER,and I have further check ups in my home state arranged with my family doctor in the next 2 days.

The local police force stated that the bar was able to identify the assailants from footage inside the bar, which was able to be compared with their credit card purchases showing their names, and confirming they were buying alcohol. Police we also able to secure from footage from a state traffic camera just outside the bar which captured both the initial assault, the vehicular assault and their fleeing the scene (as well as their licence plates).

We were told that the suspected assailants were identified as being under 21 (all members of a local high school football team). This bar allows 18-21 year olds inside, but is supposed to have a stamping system to prevent underage guests from drinking. From what I've been told however, either somehow someone older was buying the wider group drinks, The assailants used a fake ID to get in and/or the bar staff were not checking ID's or wrist stamps after the assailants were permitted entrance by the door staff.

The police did confirm that they would be pressing charges for; -Battery (for the physical injuries recieved from the tipping of the porta potty)

-Assualt with bodily fluids (due to the involuntary ingestion of urine and feces when the porta potty was tipped)

-Either Vehicular Assault or Assault with a Deadly Weapon for attempting to hit me with their car.

  • Criminal Mischief for the irreparable damage of approximately $500 of clothing and electronics on my person which were ruined by the human waste and chemicals that were spilled.

Unfortunately they weren't able to provide me with many details about who may be considered liable for my injuries, and if it is solely the perpetrators or whether the establishment or individual staff members is/are liable at all.

My injuries have been pretty severe and will likely lead to loss of earnings as I work an active manual job, and I will likely have some large medical bills for rehabilitation. I am also concerned about ongoing pain and suffering due to these injuries impacting my quality of life.

My primary focus is trying to ensure the assailants are dealt with appropriately through a criminal trial, but I am also considering the option of a civil suit given the damages I am facing and the significant costs that will be associated with treatment and repair.

I'm not from Florida so I was wondering if anyone here could provide any insight on the following;

-Whether bar staff are liable for not checking for ID for each alcohol sale even if there are door staff checking IDs upon entry.

-Whether bar staff would be liable for not checking the hand stamping system put in place for preventing the sale of inalcohol to underage drinkers

-Whether bar staff or security are liable for not preventing underage guests from having alcohol bought for them by over-21 guests

-Whether bar staff hold any liability for the criminal actions of underage guests they have served.

-whether the owners of licensed establishments in Florida hold any liability for criminal actions of underage guests who have been served alcohol on their premises

I am not from Florida and not familiar with the laws here, so if anyone had any insight I would be appreciative. In addition if there are any Floridians here who could suggest reputable legal firms I would be very happy to take your advice!

submitted by /u/Telly_police
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