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Assaulted Yesterday.

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This happened in the State of Missouri

I was physically assaulted yesterday, and am wondering my next steps.

At the dispensary, a man almost hit me while i was walking back to my vehicle. The man in question was entering the parking lot through the exit only lane, which makes it difficult to see pedestrians. After i enter my car, he exited his and came to my window. He said i “came out of nowhere” and he didn’t see me. I told him he entered through the exit drive, and that’s why he didn’t see me. He was visibly angered and agitated. he asked if “we were good”, i told him next time not to enter in the exit, and he then yelled “fuck you” as he walked away. i said “seriously?”, and he turned around. i exited the car and he rushed towards me, hitting me.

we fought for maybe forty seconds, with my girlfriend and a 2-3 bystander watching while employees filtered out. two or three people called the police. the guy broke my nose, on top of hitting me in the head, scratching my arms, and hitting me up to 10 times (a bystander said) i believe i hit him multiple times as well just not sure where as it was all a blur, and once we separated, I did throw his phone that was on the ground, probably about 10ft .(dumb i know, but was upset at this point)

the man left after we were informed the police were on their way as by standers had called, he then proceeded to get in his truck, back into a lady and I who were taking his license information down, my girlfriend, the bystander, and i made reports and my girlfriend took me to the hospital to be checked out.

where do i go from here? should i be worried about any repercussions on my end?

submitted by /u/Sleepysloth0o
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