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Aunt Is Offering To Move Into Grandparents House After Grandfather Passes To Take Care Of Grandma. She Has Ulterior Motives.

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As the title states, my aunt is looking to move into grandparents house and sell her house to become a full time caregiver when my grandfather passes. My grandfather has been deteriorating rapidly very quickly in the past year and sadly may not be around much longer.

3 years ago, my grandparents put both my and my brothers names on the deed to the house with the intention of us inheriting the house when they pass. We are not mentioned in the will, and my grandparents names are still on the deed as well.

My brother and I have been their caregivers for the last 5 years but the amount of time it takes daily to make sure they are cared for has been steadily increasing and is unsustainable. On the surface, I believe a full time caregiver giver would be great… but my aunt has shown to have ulterior motives before.

I theorize she is trying to stake a claim to ownership of the house. Is this possible? Should i consult and attorney? My mother is executor of their estate, would this offer any safeguards?

submitted by /u/fahjskebeb
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