Being Sued 2 Weeks After Car Accident
I was in a car accident 2 weeks ago and was just informed of my mom being sued (I’m under her insurance policy) and that they gotten a lawyer due to “bodily harm”. The driver had hit me on my passenger side when I was going straight after stopping at a stop sign. I was hit so hard that my car spun out and I ended up crashed in front of a telephone pole on the other side of the road. The police showed up and took our statements, there was a witness but the police didn’t bother to talk to them at all. As far as I know there has been no decision on who is at fault. I was told that a lawyer only takes cases they think they can win. I’m unsure how I’m the one being sued and how I could be at fault. I have been to the ER 2 times after the accident and was diagnosed with spasmodic torticollis. The insurance company told my mom that they need my statement and she told me to make sure to let the insurance company know that I have a witness (the witness gave me their number that day and told me the driver who hit me wasn’t paying attention) I just want some legal advice on what I should do.
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