Boss Left Inappropriate Voicemail On Accident? (ca)
(CALIFORNIA) I received a 45 minute voicemail of a conversation between my higher up and a recruiter at a job I was just offered a position at. In a part of the voicemail, the two of them were discussing how attractive all of the new hires were and what women in the company they considered “milf’s.” Safe to say this left a horrible taste in my mouth.
I was expected to start work on Monday (1/20), and I received the VM the prior Wednesday (1/15). I did not go in and have decided to seek employment elsewhere. My question is, it even worth it to report this to their HR department? It’s not even that I’m looking to sue or seek legal action for myself, more so just to make their employers aware of the crude language they’re using in the workplace regarding their female coworkers. One of which had just spoken about how he’s looking to propose to his gf right before calling women MILFS !
I did draft an email that I’m going to send to the senior recruiting specialist, as she is one of the women they were talking about, but is there anything else that’s worth doing? Or should I just inform her, and let her handle it how she sees fit?
I’m super bummed out because it was an incredible sales opportunity, but I just cant compromise my morals and work for someone who’s just,, gross. Wouldn’t feel good about it at all! No matter how much money I’d be making.
TIA for any advice! I’m in southern california if that’s of any help? Sales job in orange county
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