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Boss Wants Me To Pay For Windshield Of My Work Truck After It Was Vandalized.

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Some kid in my neighborhood shot up my work truck with a bb gun. It had 6 large chips in the windshield and needed to be replaced. When I discovered the vandalism ai tried to get a hold of my Boss and was unable to. I ended up calling the police to get a police report and forwarded all the relevant documents to my boss. It been nearly a month since the incident and now he is claiming that because I signed financial responsibility agreement that I'm responsible for paying for the new windshield. I asked for the agreement that I signed and he showed me the agreement. The specific language in the agreement says;

"If you loose or damage equipment or property, you will be responsible for replacing that equipment/property."

Since it wasn't me who caused the damage I don't think this agreement is valid in this instance. Should I keep fighting this?

Edit: the agreement I signed.

Edit 2: For some background, I've been at this company for 8 years. This agreement was updated in 2019, and this is the version I signed. Also, they are unlikely to fire me because I am the only employee fully licensed and trained for specific services. It would take them at least a month to train someone to fill my role and even longer to get them licensed, meaning my Boss would have to fill my role for a minimum of 6 weeks. I don't hate this job and this is the first major issue I've had at this company. But it would not be hard for me to get a similar position elsewhere with the experience, training and licenses I have.

submitted by /u/ByAnyMemesNecassary
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