Boyfriend Passed, Drowning Alone (ohio)
Hey guys. I’m on a burner account because a lot of my friends follow my main Reddit and I don’t want them knowing about this stuff. So earlier in the year, my boyfriend died. I spiraled into a deep depression over this. During this time, I still had to go to work etc because I was taking up the other half of our bills that my boyfriend had been paying. And I had to pay for child care for my son to be watched while I was at work because obviously my boyfriend wasn’t there to watch him anymore. So I honestly wasn’t making anything at work because child care is expensive. We ended up losing our apartment and my car. My credit obviously went down the shitter as well. I’m trying to rebuild my credit and find better avenues of making money so I can get back on my feet, Christmas is right around the corner and I have no money to buy my son gifts, we are still homeless, and I still don’t have a car. This is all taking a toll on my mental health in a way that I can’t bare much longer. There have to be good side hustles that are legit somewhere. Or a good job that I can find without a college education. I don’t know what to do anymore, I can’t seem to dig myself out of this hole because my credit is so awful I can’t get a loan or anything but trying to work and pay for child care just isn’t enough money. I just want to make sure my son has the Christmas he deserves this year after all we have been through and hopefully be able to get us out of this position where we’re homeless soon. I can barely afford food for us let alone a bunch of gifts. What can I do?? We weren’t married so his parents told me there was nothing I could really do legally about the situation. But I didn’t know if they were just saying that or if that’s actually true. At this point I’ve exhausted every other option and I have to figure something out quickly to help get us out of this situation. All the shelters are full, it’s cold outside, I’m still mentally dying inside, can barely afford food, and my poor son has had to deal with all of this. Something has to give.
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