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Bus Driver Told Me To Get Up From My Seat While He Was Driving. I Came Up As He Stopped Then He Started Driving After I Went Back To My Seat. Mo.

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So, for a little background I have a physical/ mental disability that makes it dangerously difficult but not impossible to drive. So I take the city bus. This morning like every work day I got on the bus and grabbed the money for my bus fare. But the bus driver waved me off indicating I didn't need to pay. So I sat down. But then while driving he made a hand gesture. I was confused and he said he needed me to come back. So while the bus was at a stop I walked up. He told me he thought I was giving him a transfer and waved me off because the transfer machine was broken but I still weeded to pay. So I paid for my fare and as I was trying to go back to where my belongings and seat were he starts to drive. He drives over a bump and I nearly fall managing to catch myself but hurting my arm beforehand. Making it back to my seat. This isn't the first issue I've had with this bus driver. He has skipped me, refused to drive into the bus stop that lead onto the turn path which I was almost ran over because of this, he has tried to skip my stop despite me pulling the line more than 5 times before the stop, he has also talked down to me whenever a misunderstanding on his half has occurred. Those other times I have excused but this time... I'm fed up. Is there anything I can do?

submitted by /u/that-one-bimbo
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