California Clothing Retail Store Is Donating Value Of Old Gift Cards To State, Requiring Notarized Forms From Customers If They Want Their Gift Card Back. As Far As I'm Aware, This Is Illegal To Expire Gift Cards In California
So as the title says, they donated the value of my gift card to the state, making the value just disappear despite me still having the physical card in readable condition. When contacting them, they are asking me to submit some notarized claim at my expense and mail it to them to get my $50 back...
This does not make any financial sense to me. The cost of time and actual cost of mail and notarization is not worth the $50 to me.
California law says you cannot expire gift cards or even charge them fees to slowly drain their value.
I personally don't care about the money, but I'm wondering if there is some sort of class action here. I'm pretty confident I'm not the only one they did this to.
EDIT: find print on back of gift card.
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