Can I Prohibit My Ex From Taking Our Children To My Parents For Visits During His Possession Time? (tx)

I have a 5 year protective order from my ex-husband for stalking. We have 3 children together. He got out of jail not too long ago for serving the time due for the crime he committed against me (stalking reduced to harassment). Right before he went to jail, I ceased all communication with my parents at the advice of my attorneys. They were starting to make talks with me about claiming my children as their dependents and trying to force me to move onto their property with the kids because they do not like my new partner that I am having a child with. They are addicts (one recovered, one not) that were physically abusive to us kids and each other for the last half of my years living in their home. 7 years ago, my father beat my mother while they were both drunk and he was arrested. My mom was given an emergency protective order and my father was in jail for 2 weeks. My mother assisted my father and his attorney in having the charges reduced and no protective order in place. His record has been expunged. Since my ex husband got out of jail, he has been using the children as a method to gain favorability and access to the good side of my parents. I am enforcing orders now from the divorce decree and then hopefully pursuing new orders to prohibit him from taking the children to my parents. Is this reasonable and something that I can request a judge to grant? I am extremely worried for my children’s safety around my parents and their father who abuses drugs from time to time (resulting in lost visitation time) and also alcohol daily. Thanks for any help to ease my concerns.
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