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Can Mil Kick Us Out Of House She Gifted To Us (husband Is An Owner On The Deed)

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We live in Canada, my husbands mum is not a resident of Canada but occasionally visits. She bought him a house as a gift ten years ago. Both his name and her name are on the deed. My husband and I have always been responsible for property tax and bills. She can be a little emotionally manipulative and sometimes will demand us to do stuff (e.g name out child specific names, she will talk down on us and demand we keep picking up her calls or she will either kick us out or make us start paying rent to her. We are making plans to go no contact with her, giving her the house back etc. My question is, does she have any legal grounds to kick us out or demand rent if my husband is an owner with her on the house?

The house was initially a gift, he was never asked to pay rent or anything when the gift was given to him. I am grateful for the shelter the house has provided and her kindness of gifting the house but also want to know our options.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/mummylovespickles
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