Capital One Is Suing Me...what's Going To Happen?

Hi everyone - first of all, I appreciate those who take the time to help answer questions about situations that are scary and confusing to most people!
Title says it - I found out that I'm being sued by Capital One. Found out, because the Magistrate attempted to deliver the summons to my parents in my maiden name. Capital One has my current address AND my marriage certificate, so I'm not sure why they filed the lawsuit under that address and name. That aside...
I went to the Magistrate to pick up my docket and file my "intent to defend." Other than that, I have zero idea what I'm doing, zero idea what's going to happen, and zero idea of what to expect.
I know that I screwed up. Long story short, I had a dispute with Capital One in 2022. I went on a several-week research trip in Paris and several months in advance, booked a hotel via Expedia. Immediately AFTER booking, I realized it was the wrong hotel. Less than 10 minutes after booking, I called Expedia to correct my stupid mistake and was told that this particular hotel does NOT accept cancellations or give refunds. I have screen shots of the Expedia page, where I did find it said NO cancellations/refunds, but ALSO in a different part of the page, it says very clearly that it is REFUNDABLE. I feel this is confusing at best, misleading at worst. I disputed it with Expedia. They made pretty much no effort to recoup my costs (about $1200.) Even after talking with several "managers."
So I decided to dispute it with Capital One. Initially, they reversed the charge, and my funds were put back onto my card. However, Expedia disputed the reversal, and my money was taken away again. I sent in my documentation, screen shots of where it showed the hotel was refundable; Capital One shut that down quickly, but gave me the option to file an appeal. I did file an appeal and sent in my documentation and letter prior to the deadline they gave me. I never heard from them again.
I didn't have the time or energy to pursue it further, as I was in the last year of my doctoral program and working two jobs, so the burnout was real. I know it was the wrong decision, but I let it go, stopped making my payments (that I could no longer afford due to paying for TWO hotels in Paris, one of which never got used,) and just focused on graduating.
I have never been sued in my life. I'm scared and I cannot afford this - we are struggling to get by at the moment, with my husband not working, and ensuring that our other bills DO get paid. Still, I make too much to be considered for free legal services in our area. I'm hoping this is something that should not require an attorney, but with all the drama that happened with the dispute in 2022, I'm just not sure.
Should I even bother bringing that up in my hearing, or should I just cross my fingers and hope for a settlement agreement that I can manage (which isn't a whole lot at the moment)?
I appreciate any advice that I get - thank you again for taking the time to do so. I know I messed up and have to face this, I just have no idea what to do and want to get things on track again.
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