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Car Repo

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So I'm going through hard time and I can't make my car payments

I'm late 60 days roughly

I don't even have 5$ and I called the bank they don't want to work with me or give me a little bit more time to make them whole.

I don't get paid for a nother 21 days but when I do I can pay it in full but they won't wait.

How do repos work?

Are they able to go into my work and get the car?

I work for a big company and you need a badge to get into the facility it's huge it's about 20x walmarts in one big lot.

We have a human maned security they won't let anyone in unless you have a badge.

I work for Lockheed Martin they are high security . No one can go in unless authorized with a badge.

But a repo man maybe able to go inside with paperwork to find my car?

The place is so huge its gonna take them a good while just driving around just to locate my car.

They have all my info where I live ect.

Need help thanks

submitted by /u/TheTrenches888
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