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Caught Tb At Work

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I believe due to the negligence of my employer, I have contracted TB. My employer is a homeless shelter that does not test their staff or residents for TB. I have filed a complaint with OSHA and they are investigating the matter. I had a TB skin test 3 or 4 months prior to being hired at the shelter. It was negative. I notified my direct supervisor and HR in writing at the beginning of December 2024 that I had been placed on quarantine due to suspected TB infection. I discovered last week that none of my co-workers or guests had been notified that they may have been exposed to TB. I received Disability for a couple of months. I resigned from my position a couple of weeks ago due to not feeling safe in my job environment.


Employer never offered me Worker's Comp

I got sick at the end of November 2024. Can I still file for worker's comp?

I know employer has been morally negligent...have they been legally negligent?

Can I file a legal case against the employer?

submitted by /u/CodeSolid8807
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