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Coexecutors Of Dad’s Trust Unable To Receive Assets From Step Mother Who Lives In His Residence

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Hi, I need some advice/recommendations for an attorney in California (specifically Sacramento). My dad passed away unexpectedly a few months ago, and has laid out pretty specific information in a trust for my sister and I to be co-executors of his will, and that he and our step mother kept their assets separate except for the house which belonged to her. He also left us his digital assets including phone, laptop, storage devices, anything of his my sister and I want he gave us first rights to.

Our stepmother is refusing to give us access to any of his accounts saying she is entitled to 50% (the trust clearly gives my sister and I 100% and again mentions they kept their assets separate) she is also refusing to mail us his laptop/documents etc.

My sister and I live in Virginia so not sure where to begin in California. When we went there for the funeral our stepmother even refused to let us in his house without her present and would not let us really get anything of our dads we wanted, just one or two small things of his which she wanted others present for the “transaction”

She has access to all of his laptops, mail, passwords, etc so we are not sure what she is doing with it at this time. It’s possible she is adding herself to his accounts as a beneficiary etc. So far, she has used a lot of the money to take her family to Miami and India and is currently staying in India and not responding to any of our requests.

It’s a bit tricky because he did not list us as beneficiaries on any of his bank accounts. He did on his life insurance and we have received that, but we are supposed to receive all of his financial assets.

Any help during this time would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

submitted by /u/Lopsided-Truth6085
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