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Company Sent False Claims To My Insurance To “lower Your Deductible Incase You Want To Work With Us” Should I Get A Lawyer? Is This Fraud?

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So basically I had a 5 minute phone call consultation with a sleep center 2 weeks ago. Originally I had the appt with a woman and after 15 minutes from when the appt was supposed to start, I called her phone and a man answered and said they’d call me in a minute. He then called back 10 minutes later and let me know the prices for a home sleep study and I told them I had to think about it and would contact them if I decided to move forward. Today I looked at my insurance app and saw it said I owe $1300 in claims. I was very confused seeing as how my insurance completely covers the only 2 things I use it for. When I looked at it I had about 5 different claims totaling $1300 for things such as “EEG” “brain wave test” “sleep study” “doctor visit” “doctor visit 60+ minutes” I didn’t think there was any correlation to the 5 minute phone call I’d had with the sleep center two weeks prior because 1. Id very obviously had none of that done. And 2. The claims were stating that it was from January 7th -27th.

I called my insurance they said they’d void the claims, later they called me back and told me I had to contact them myself. So I did, the man basically told me they did send those claims and said “if anything we were trying to help you by lowering your deductible in case you want to move forward with us in the future” he sounded annoyed and said that he can void it but again said he was just trying to help me out. Is this even legal? My boyfriend believes I need a lawyer? Do I?

submitted by /u/Throwawayyyy964
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