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Concerns About Attorney

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I have been the defendant in a case since October and have been sitting at home on house arrest for almost three months. I have been becoming increasingly wary of my attorney especially recently. To start off he waived my probable cause hearing without my consent and encouraged me to bond my case to circuit court which I partially understand.

Throughout the case he hasn’t showed up physically to a single court date and at my most recent date sent a stand in attorney without ever informing me of this. Whenever I try to have a conversation about the case he rushes me along and makes me feel like a jerk for wanting to stay in the loop about proceedings.

My biggest concern at the moment is my house arrest situation. He’s known for months I would need a formal motion to get something like work release. He supposedly finally filed the motion almost three weeks ago now and he still hasn’t heard anything about its status. This morning I checked my online case files, the motion wasn’t in the files. I called the clerk to see if they had any updates, the clerks office told me there hasn’t been a motion filed in my case. I checked the court schedule for every Wednesday (motion ms are reviewed on Wednesdays), my motion isn’t on the docket for the next two months which is as far as I checked. I texted my attorney and he still says he submitted it but everything relating to the court is saying otherwise. I’m nervous to call him and discuss it because he will likely just get more frustrated.

Basically I’m not sure if my attorney is doing what he says is doing and I’m overall concerned with my legal representation. Any advice? Thanks for reading

submitted by /u/Necessary_Case5305
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