Creepy Guy Friend Posted Picture Collages Of Me Without My Permission
So a while back I hung out with this guy friend, he came over to my apartment. I was sitting on my patio smoking a cigarette and playing the guitar and he took pictures of me. I almost didn’t, but when I did notice I just figured he was going to send them to me, like he just thought I looked cool and was doing me a favor by taking a picture of me, FOR ME. I honestly didn’t think much of it.
Later on though I see that he posted video collage of pictures of me. Not just the ones he took of me on the patio, but other pictures that I wasn’t aware of and even some videos.
He never asked for my permission.
And atleast half of these were intimately in my home, pictures I myself would never post. I expressed my disapproval and asked him to take them down, but he said no. I had to cut off contact with this guy because he’s a threat to my safety for other reasons. It bothers me so much that he’s got me on his Instagram, pictures of me in my home, where you could potentially find out where I live. He even has a story collage on his Instagram dedicated to me, which is so weird because we’ve never dated or been anything more then just friends.
How can I get him to take these down? Please help this is very disturbing to me.
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