Criminal Damage Sweden
I am hoping anyone can give me some advice about how to proceed with a criminal damage charge I received in Sweden. I am a British citizen and the only information the police have about me is my British drivers license and email currently.
I am in Sweden visiting family and I was out shopping at an Swedish electronics shop chain buying a new razor, I was looking at the computer mouses on the way out and it had a spider alarm on the box I was looking at that was blocking the product information and in a stroke of genius I decided to cut it off with a pocket knife I carry with me just so I could read the information, I did not know they beeped once cut I just assumed without much thought that they would just go off when trying to leave the store and I was just interested in reading the product info before deciding to buy it or another mouse I picked up.
Once the alarm went off I panicked slightly and just put the product down and walked towards to tills and put the other mouse I had down on another shelf before just heading to the till to buy the razor I originally came in for. I bought the razor and left the shop assuming that was the end of it just an embarrassing moment of idiocy for me, so I went to another shop in the mall to continue shopping for other items I came to buy and a few minutes later a couple of security guards ask me to come back to the shop to wait for the police to question me.
The police questioned me and I was cooperative, but I declined to answer some personal questions about where I am staying and who with because I am staying with my partner’s parents for the holidays and wanted to save her and me the embarrassment of them just turning up or sending letters there.
I said I understood that what I did was wrong but I did not realise it would be a criminal offence and they gave me some paperwork with a case number, confiscated my pocket knife and said that I would receive either a fine or have to come back to attend a court hearing.
I just received the email today I cannot read it properly atm because all the attached documents are in Swedish but translated it enough to get the gist that it seems like they want me in court.
Any advice on how to proceed from here, I am due to fly home soon so I would need to fly back into Sweden to attend this hearing also but I am not too sure if I can really afford that. (I did inform the police that I would be flying back home soon when asked)
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