Did I Ruin My Chance To Sue A Scammer By Saying A Bunch Of Diabolical Stuff To Him Over Text?
I’m in a very weird situation, but right now, this scammer has not blocked me, but just finding every excuse to not pay. We have written and signed e documents and he’s late on paying me back by 3 months already. Everytime he says he’s gonna pay up, he makes up some other bullshit excuse. This fucking guy has the audacity to get mad at me for being mad I haven’t gotten at least my $7000 back. It started off with me saying just slightly mean things like “fuck you” and calling him a piece of shit multiple times. Idk if this is considered a threat, but I’ve also said to him that I hope he fucking dies. I never made any direct threats like “if I see you I’m knocking you out.”
I’ve held back what I really feel about this guy, as that would 100% make me the criminal, just wondering if the above would affect me if I went the suing route
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