submitted by /u/CableAnxious7069
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Dirty Or Covered Plate Ticket
I was stopped for speeding initially but thankfully the officer took pity on me I guess and gave me a Dirty or Covered Plate Ticket instead. I am in NY and the past few days have been brutally cold. It snowed few days back.
I am debating whether to plead guilty or not. Since the Officer gave me a break should I just plead guilty with an explanation and pix showing I resolved the issue asap by cleaning the plates.
If I plead not guilty can the officer charge me for speeding in court even though it is not what the ticket is for?
Thank you in advance
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My Bank Has Been Allowing The National Student Loans Service Centre To Withdraw Money From My Account Despite Acknowledging That I Have Never Had Any Association NSLSC Nor Have I Ever Legally Authorized Any Payments (I HAVE NEVER EVEN ATEENDED ANY POST SECONDARY NOR APPIED FOR A STUDENT LOAN) Read More