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Divorce Adult Spouse Guardian Ad Litem-need Help

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Married 44 years, husband was adulterer - 14 year affair / double life. We are living apart, I filed for divorce in South Carolina the end of January 2025 but not on the grounds of adultery. My husbands attorney has sent papers to my attorney for everyone to sign so the judge can appoint a guardian ad litem for my husband. His attorney believes he does not fully understand what is happening and has memory loss issues. They are asking that his best friend be appointed. I have not signed the papers and my attorney will only answer questions regarding the pros and cons at $400 an hour. He has been professing memory loss for over a year while we were in therapy. He has had unremarkable brain scans, visits with Neurologist Department said He best meets criteria for subjective cognitive complaints, complicated by depression. The depression is guilt. He believes that I should forgive him and move forward with our marriage because he didn't leave me at the time.

How can his best friend be impartial? What is his role? What should I do to move this divorce forward? I am afraid a judge will have his back because of this perceived "memory loss".

submitted by /u/Donni80
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