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Doctors Office Messed Up My Blood Work, Sent Me To Er, Now I Owe $5000, Please Help :c

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Hello all, any help will be appreciated with this, recently I got my physical at the doctors office and they took my blood, 3 days later I received a call from one of the doctors at my primary care office and he asked how I was feeling, he sounded panicked which obviously made me scared, he then proceeded to tell me my sodium levels were 171 high enough to send me into a coma, and told me this needs to be treated impatient at the emergency room, I go to the emergency room and after showing them my doctors office blood work results they rushed me in and hooked me up to all sorts of machines and immediately took my blood, they tell me my sodium levels are actually LOWER than average (130) and that I’m completely healthy, now I have a $5000 emergency room bill. Is there any recourse for this? Any help will be appreciated greatly!

submitted by /u/Gainslinger1337
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