Does This Count A Violation Of A Po? Indiana?
Hello all,
I have an Active PO against my brother, I filed a claim of sexual assault against him in late October and have yet to hear any updates from the prosecutors office. (I live in a rural area and things here take forever)
Anyways, My brother has been texting my mom about me stating he did it to get me out of the house and that I “threatened him and attempted to murder him” (all of this is untrue and I’ve never even laid hands on him except for when he had me backed into a corner and was being aggressive towards me and I swatted my hands at him to get him to leave me alone)
Anyways I know he isn’t directly telling her to say things to me but is him texting her about me and about the situation making these wild accusations about me a violation of the PO that is in place? He is not supposed to have any contact with me including through a 3rd party.
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