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Dr Mistake

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Hello to all. I, 34M, was duagnissed with low testerstone by my GP, when i had ED. He than put me on TRT with ZERO explanition of any side effects. He stated that if we wanted to have children, he would do something different. I clearly stated that we DID want to have children, which is why I was seeking help with the ED. I was on it for a little over a year. Fast forward to now. I was reffered to a urologist by my new GP. The urologist did a semen sample on me. Turns out I had ZERO viable sprem.

Wife and I did some research, we came to find out that TRT is commonly used as a form of male birth controll. I did not consent to this, nor did the dr explain that this was the case, even when he stated that he had multiple patients that were on this treatment.

I am beyond furious about this gross overlook on his part, as he should know any/all possible side effects of the medical practices that he is implementing.

So, I am here asking if I have a case for malpractice on his part.

submitted by /u/Fickle_Pizza_6960
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