Employer Is Forcing Our Location To Vote On Changing Our 12-hour Workday To An 8-hour Workday Or Waive Our Overtime.
I work in the medical field in California and, “in light of California’s daily overtime law”, my employer is forcing its employees at one specific location to decide whether to change our current 12-hour workdays to 8-hour workdays or keep the 12-hour workdays and waive our right to overtime pay after 8 hours of work. The company headquarters are not based in California.
There is no reason written in the notice other than to reduce overtime costs. The way our workday is currently scheduled would significantly complicate and negatively affect the care we provide to our clients should our scheduled work hours change in any way. Not to mention the significant pay cut that everyone would suffer from either outcome of this vote.
This just seems so wrong on so many levels. Should I seek legal counsel regarding this issue?
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