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Employer Refuses To Pay Out Accrued Vacation Time

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Located in MA

Hi, recently I decided to quit my job in MA and move to NY. I have been with my employer for 9 months and have a good amount of sick and paid vacation time accrued (28 hours at 15 dollars per hour). The employer has a policy where they will not pay out any vacation time until the employee has been with the company for a year. Since I've quit, I've been trying to get my paid vacation time paid out, but they've refused, citing that I was not with the company for over a year.

For reference, the company is in Boston, MA. The company employs over 200 people, but no more than 500. I was a full time employee working 40 hours a week. I have taken sick time before, and that was paid out at around the 8th month of my employment. I had taken a vacation roughly 4 months into my employment, but that was not paid out due to the policy. The company rolls both vacation and sick time into one number on paychecks.

Do I have a case?

submitted by /u/AnyMeeting1113
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