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Ex Gf From 7 Years Ago Telling My Current Coworkers I Falsely Raped Her While We Were Together, Any Recourse?

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I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. Currently have 2 jobs, and one is a large retail store that most people would know. Ex gf comes through shopping occasionally. Heard down the grapevine from a coworker that she went up to him and told him that I raped her.

Not sure why, don’t really care why, but it’s just blatantly untrue. Not sure if there’s something I can or should do on my end or because technically police aren’t involved it’s really just my word vs hers. Any help is appreciated. More annoyed than anything.

Should probably add we also haven’t spoken at all in the last 7 years and to my understanding this accusation didn’t start being made until I started working somewhere she shops at. Who knows though.

Edit: should add this is in Ohio- US

submitted by /u/ScrimBliv
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