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Ex-girlfriend Wants Me To Start Paying The Tuition She Paid For Me After Breakup

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My girlfriend recently broke up with me. She has been paying for my schooling since fall of 2022 and we always said we would make it equitable if we split up. We never signed any paper work and I agreed that I can start paying back in 2 years when I graduate and start making money. Currently I do not have a job but was working at our apartment complex where I was paid by a rent credit every month. I do not think I have the obligation to have to start paying back while I am still in school as that will significantly affect my ability to move on both from her and from the stress of school and life. If all we had was a verbal agreement where I do not remember any specifics, is there any chance she would be legally entitled to my money currently? We have been living together for about 2 years and 9 months and I am now living separate from her. I don't know if this is important or not, but she definitely makes enough to live independently, to where she wouldn't be struggling if she has to wait for the money. Maybe no luxury living, but she will be more than able to afford all of the basic needs as well as international vacations if she so pleases.

Edit: I should mention back before she paid my tuition I wanted to take out loans in my name, and she suggested against that, so we decided together she would pay, and never had a detailed plan for a split, just vagueness about the division of assets as "equitable."

Thank you

submitted by /u/charliedarwin96
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